Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Tragedy Changes Community, Waterbury VT 8/28/11

Tragedy changes community, it really does! It takes a devastating flood to change everything I thought I knew about my own community. As I have driven around Waterbury over the past few days it has been difficult to make sense of the destruction and devastation.  Entire neighborhoods have been impacted while two houses down everything is completely fine.   Our Favorite restaurant, my daughter's dance studio and the great auto mechanic on Main St. one of them completley wiped out, the others overwhelmed but trying to get through.  I thought our community was immune, so insulated from the troubles facing places like Joplin and Japan.
Tragedy changes community and I am sure that joy will change it too. My personal mission over the past few days has been to bring a little bit of that joy and peace back to my nieghbors. A smile, a sandwich, a shoulder these are the things I have to offer and I do so joyfully. Not immune to their suffering or pretending everything will be fine, but joy in the sunshine and the amazing generosity of all the volunteers and donations that have been literally pouring in.  I am joyful for the safety of everyone and in the sense of communal support and care for those in our community who are most in need.  So for as long as I can I will do my part to turn tragedy to joy and remain present with my neighbors as we get through this together.

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